Chemical risks

MS511  - 11 hours

Learning objectives

Recognize the risks tied to dangerous chemical and gase-ous substances: properties, dangers, exposure modes, risks typology.
CLP (Classification, Labelling, Packaging) & Symbol awareness.
PPE Selection.
Site preparation & handling.
Know how to react to an incident.


Who will benefit most ?

Personnel working with or using chemicals.


Innovative teaching resources

Lectures and «hands-on» exercises.
Custom training manual.
Training modules can be developed to accommodate the students’ work place.
Multiple choice questions at the start and end of the training.


Price per person

Please, contact us.


Dates & location

October 3-4 morning – Grenoble (France); for other dates, contact us.
Can be also held in your premises for a specific training.


In charge of the training session

Isabelle VERNET : 40-30 safety engineer.



I. Dangerous chemical substances: properties, dangers, type of exposure and types of risk.
1. Liquid and gas chemical substances: properties and dangers.
2. Means of exposure (penetration channels, severe/chronic exposure) and effects on health (limit values).
3. Types of risk and associated pictogram (including new SGH regulations).

II. Prevention and protective measures implemented on site.
1. Notions of cause trees and responsibilities of actors.
2. General preventive measures (suppression, reduction, R&D).
3. Work organization and protection of the operator(Operating mode, Collective and individual protective equipment).
4. Training and information available (workstation notices, Safety notices, labels, procedures...).
5. General safety instructions and first aid equipment.


III. Risks and safety instructions at the work station.
1. Feedback on accidents, whether real or fictional (either originating from the enterprise accidents or from «standard» accidents).
2. Case studies of selected working situations.
The studied work situations will be selected during the assessment of the needs of the enterprise.
The participants are the actors in the analysis of their familiar work situations.
- They identify the dangers and assess the risks.
- They describe the procedures, working and protection instructions implemented.
- They validate the behavior in the event of an accident.