Certificate and other diplomas

E certification since 2016
▪ 40-30 are amongst the top ten suppliers in the NMI 2012 Supplier Survey
UK, National Microelectronics Institute
▪ ISO 9001
Quality management system, certification since 1994, today all French sites and activities.
Technical and management system accreditation for vacuum pressure calibrations (COFRAC is French accreditation body, member of EA)
▪ NDT qualified personnel
Level 2 and 3, LT method, by COFREND (French body for certifying NDT competences of personnel according to ISO 9712)
▪ NDT training center
To prepare personnel for the qualification examination
▪ National regulatory authorization
Leak test and maintenance on refrigeration equipment (QualiClimaFroid certificate n° 15502)
▪ Manufacturer and OEM agreements
Adixen Service Center (level 3), Inficon Service Center, LAM Research, Advanced Energy...